Pdf images turning sideways
Pdf images turning sideways

pdf images turning sideways

  • Within the Move Pages dialogue box that appears, use the radio buttons and controls provided to select an individual page or page range to move.
  • pdf images turning sideways

  • Right-click in the PDF you wish to alter, and select " Move Pages." from the right-click menu.
  • Using the Move Pages feature, pages may be moved to a different location within the PDF document.
  • Click OK when you have finished making your selections to view the changes.
  • Filter Page Selection and Orientation sections, choose which pages to rotate based on other criteria ( Even Pages or Odd pages Portrait Pages or Landscape Pages).
  • Current Page (the default setting), All pages, or Pages within a range.
  • Pages - rotate a range of pages and specify page numbers from: (starting page #) and to:(ending page #).
  • All - rotate all pages within the PDF document.
  • Use the radio buttons to choose the Page or pages you wish to rotate:.
  • Invert will rotate your selection by 180 degrees.
  • Clockwise and Counter-clockwise will rotate the page(s) by 90 degrees.
  • Within the Rotate Pages dialogue box that appears, select the direction of the rotation using the drop-down menu provided.
  • Click the - OR - icon in the toolbar to switch to a compatible mode. Note: This option is not available in Edit Mode. Right-click in the PDF and select Rotate Pages. from the right-click menu. Using the Rotate Pages feature, orientate a document or individual pages within a document based on your viewing preference.

    Pdf images turning sideways